Active Massage is a combination of massage and functional movement. Active massage techniques and more patient engagement are key during this type of massage treatment. In addition, be prepared to participate in home exercises such as breathing techniques, stretching or strengthening as they are crucial to progress between treatments. The approach of this treatment is to move through your physical limitations and help you meet your specific goals.
Why Book an Active Massage?
-You have physical restrictions that might feel better after a massage but return shortly after.
-You have chronic physical pain that limits certain ranges of motion.
-You seek an in-depth, active, and personalized approach to manual therapy.
-You are interested in maximizing your potential for strength and mobility.
-You want to be involved in your treatment and engage in home excercises.
What to expect in an Active Massage appointment?
Active massage will be on the treatment table for the massage portion of the appointment. Followed by 10-15mins in the physiotherapy room to review home exercises.
Please bring or wear comfortable clothing.
Initial Active Massage appointments involve: a conversation around your history and personal goals, a physical assessment, active massage, and a review of home exercises and hydrotherapy.
Returning Active Massage appointments involve: Check-in conversation, re-assessment, active massage, review or new home exercises.
What happens after an Active Massage appointment?
Patients are given home exercises at the end of each visit to continue their progress between appointments.
Appointments can be directly billed to insurance as Registered Massage Therapy.