The Scope of Practice of a Certified Athletic Therapist, CAT(C), includes the assessment, prevention, immediate care, and reconditioning of musculoskeletal injuries. Prevention includes musculoskeletal and postural evaluation, equipment selection, fitting and repair, warm-up, conditioning programs, prophylactic or supportive taping, and adapting to the activity environment and facilities.

The provision of on-field immediate care of athletic injuries by a Certified Athletic Therapist includes: injury assessment, basic emergency life support, recognition and management of acute traumatic neurological dysfunction, provision of first aid, preparation for entrance into appropriate health care delivery systems, or, where appropriate, utilization of techniques facilitating a safe return to participation.

A Certified Athletic Therapist assesses injuries and conditions, utilizes contemporary rehabilitative techniques, therapeutic modalities, soft tissue mobilization, physical reconditioning, and supportive strapping procedures to promote an environment conducive to optimal healing in preparing the individual for safe reintegration into an active lifestyle.

The Athletic Therapist, in co-operation with all performance enhancement personnel, and members of the health care delivery team, is an integral part of a total service to maximize the performance and welfare of the individual. Concomitant with the execution of this role, the Athletic Therapist nurtures an attitude of positive health. .
A Doctor’s referral is NOT required to directly access Athletic Therapy services.

Monika Hall

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Island Optimal Health and Performance - Dufferin Location

1881 Dufferin Cres,
Nanaimo, BC
V9S 0B1

P: 250-753-9449

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Island Optimal Health and Performance - Rutherford Location

5271 Rutherford Road, #100
Nanaimo, BC
V9T 5N9


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